注意丨昨天起马士基将收取取消订舱费,取消订舱也要收费了!根据马士基官网发布通告,今起(4月10日),马士基将针对北欧出口到中东,红海和IPBS地区(印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、斯里兰卡)的货物收取取消订舱费(亏舱费),收费标准为125欧元/柜,以欧元以外货币结算的收取135美金/柜。 通知原文如下: Dear Valued Customer,
Due to strong demand for exports in corridors from North Europe to Middle East, Red Sea and IPBS region, and a significant amount of bookings cancelled shortly before cargo cut off, which leads to inability to accept bookings from other interested customers, we have decided to introduce a booking cancellation fee for all export shipments on above mentioned corridors, effective 10th April
Booking Cancellation Fee tariff will be 125 EUR per container (or 135 USD per container for those countries where EUR currency is not used), independent of equipment type or size Booking Cancellation Fee will apply for all bookings cancelled 7 calendar days or less prior ETD Reducing number of containers in a booking will be treated as booking cancellation and charged the same way. The fee will apply for any container reduction Booking Cancellation Fee will be invoiced to the Booking Creation Party All booking amendments, cancellation or postponement to the vessel later than the first available sailing will be subject to Booking Cancellation Fee. For confirmed bookings where the containers are not picked up, an email notification will be sent to customers notifying that containers should be picked up 24 hours prior specific deadline. In case containers are still not picked up and no information received from the customer, the booking will be cancelled along with Booking Cancellation Fee Charge will only apply if booking cancellation is initiated by the customer. If the cancellation was initiated by Maersk Line, then the charge is not applicable Bookings which were confirmed by Maersk Line before 10th April can be cancelled or reduced free of charge before that day
We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for doing business with us. As the world’s leading shipping company, we strive to be your reliable shipping partner, propelling your business forward and supporting your growth ambitions.